Understanding Your Aid Offer & Next Steps

After you apply for financial aid, you'll receive an email when your financial aid offer is available for you to view online. Use the following resources to help understand your offer and determine the next steps you need to take in order to secure your financial aid.

When to Expect Your Financial Aid Offer:

When you receive your aid offer depends on your admission application round.

2025-2026 Financial Aid Offer Timelines
Admission Round Financial Aid Offers Begin
Early Decision I Early December*
Early Action Late December*
Early Decision II Mid-February
Regular Decision Early March
Transfer Students Early June
Current Students Early June

*Financial aid offers will be based on the CSS Profile (and the noncustodial parent CSS Profile, if required). However, the 2025-26 FAFSA is a required submission that is expected according to the priority deadline.

picture of student studying

Understanding Your Aid Offer

Check out the offer guide for additional information.

Your DU financial aid offer will include information about estimated costs, the types of aid offered to you, and estimated net price for the academic year. We do not assume students will take classes in the summer, so your initial offer will not include costs or aid for the summer quarter (a separate application for summer aid is available in April each year).

> View a sample aid offer

campus scene w/ mountains

Additional Resources

Next Steps to Receive Your Aid

Once you review your financial aid offer, there are additional steps you need to take to receive your aid.

Please Note: Students beginning in the fall of 2025 should wait until May to complete these steps.



Financial Aid